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Anaphylaxis Policy
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To explain to Glen Waverley South Primary School parents, carers, staff and students the processes and procedures in place to support students diagnosed as being at risk of suffering from anaphylaxis. This policy also ensures that Glen Waverley South Primary School is compliant with Ministerial Order 706 and the Department’s guidelines for anaphylaxis management.
This policy applies to:
- all staff, including casual relief staff and volunteers
- all students who have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis, or who may require emergency treatment for an anaphylactic reaction, and their parents and carers.
School Statement
Glen Waverley South Primary School will fully comply with Ministerial Order 706 and the associated guidelines published by the Department of Education and Training.
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that occurs after exposure to an allergen. The most common allergens for school-aged children are nuts, eggs, cow’s milk, fish, shellfish, wheat, soy, sesame, latex, certain insect stings and medication.
Signs and symptoms of a mild to moderate allergic reaction can include:
- swelling of the lips, face and eyes
- hives or welts
- tingling in the mouth.
Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, can include:
- difficult/noisy breathing
- swelling of tongue
- difficulty talking and/or hoarse voice
- wheeze or persistent cough
- persistent dizziness or collapse
- student appears pale or floppy
- abdominal pain and/or vomiting.
Symptoms usually develop within ten minutes and up to two hours after exposure to an allergen, but can appear within a few minutes.
Adrenaline given as an injection into the muscle of the outer mid-thigh is the first aid treatment for anaphylaxis.
Individuals diagnosed as being at risk of anaphylaxis are prescribed an adrenaline autoinjector for use in an emergency. These adrenaline autoinjectors are designed so that anyone can use them in an emergency.
Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plans
All students at Glen Waverley South Primary School who are diagnosed by a medical practitioner as being at risk of suffering from an anaphylactic reaction must have an Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan. When notified of an anaphylaxis diagnosis, the principal of Glen Waverley South Primary School is responsible for developing a plan in consultation with the student’s parents/carers.
Where necessary, an Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan will be in place as soon as practicable after a student enrols at Glen Waverley South Primary School and where possible, before the student’s first day.
Parents and carers must:
- obtain an ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis from the student’s medical practitioner and provide a copy to the school as soon as practicable
- immediately inform the school in writing if there is a relevant change in the student’s medical condition and obtain an updated ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis
- provide an up-to-date photo of the student for the ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis when that Plan is provided to the school and each time it is reviewed
- provide the school with a current adrenaline autoinjector for the student that has not expired;
- participate in annual reviews of the student’s Plan.
Each student’s Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan must include:
- information about the student’s medical condition that relates to allergies and the potential for anaphylactic reaction, including the type of allergies the student has
- information about the signs or symptoms the student might exhibit in the event of an allergic reaction based on a written diagnosis from a medical practitioner
- strategies to minimise the risk of exposure to known allergens while the student is under the care or supervision of school staff, including in the school yard, at camps and excursions, or at special events conducted, organised or attended by the school
- the name of the person(s) responsible for implementing the risk minimisation strategies, which have been identified in the Plan
- information about where the student's medication will be stored
- the student's emergency contact details
- an up-to-date ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis completed by the student’s medical practitioner.
Review and updates to Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plans
A student’s Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis in consultation with the student’s parents/carers. The plan will also be reviewed and, where necessary, updated in the following circumstances:
- as soon as practicable after the student has an anaphylactic reaction at school
- if the student’s medical condition, insofar as it relates to allergy and the potential for anaphylactic reaction, changes
- when the student is participating in an off-site activity, including camps and excursions, or at special events including fetes and concerts.
Our school may also consider updating a student’s Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan if there is an identified and significant increase in the student’s potential risk of exposure to allergens at school.
Location of plans and adrenalin autoinjectors
A copy of each student’s Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan will be stored with their ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis in the sick bay in an unlocked, labelled drawer, together with the student’s adrenaline autoinjector. A copy of each student’s Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan will be stored with their ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis in the student’s classroom, sickbay, staff room, the school office and yard duty bags. Adrenaline autoinjectors must be labelled with the student’s name. Adrenaline autoinjectors for general use are available at sickbay and are labelled “general use”.
Risk Minimisation and Prevention Strategies
To reduce the risk of a student suffering from an anaphylactic reaction at Glen Waverley South Primary School, we have put in place the following strategies:
- staff and students are regularly reminded to wash their hands after eating;
- students are discouraged from sharing food
- garbage bins at school are to remain covered with lids to reduce the risk of attracting insects
- students are encouraged to wear gloves or use tongs when picking up papers or rubbish in the playground;
- parents will be informed of allergens that must be avoided in advance of class parties, events or birthdays
- a general use EpiPen will be stored at the sickbay for ease of access.
- Planning for off-site activities will include risk minimisation strategies for students at risk of anaphylaxis including supervision requirements, appropriate number of trained staff, emergency response procedures and other risk controls appropriate to the activity and students attending.
Classrooms |
Risk Minimisation and Prevention Strategies
Classrooms (cont’d) |
Yard-recesses/before & after school |
Special events (e.g. sporting events, incursions, class parties, etc.) |
Risk Minimisation and Prevention Strategies
Field trips/excursions/sporting events |
Camps and remote settings |
Risk Minimisation and Prevention Strategies
Camps and remote settings (cont’d) |
Adrenaline autoinjectors for general use
Glen Waverley South Primary School will maintain a supply of adrenaline autoinjectors for general use, as a back-up to those provided by parents and carers for specific students, and also for students who may suffer from a first time reaction at school.
Adrenaline autoinjectors for general use will be stored at sickbay and OSHC office and labelled “general use”.
The principal is responsible for arranging the purchase of adrenaline autoinjectors for general use, and will consider:
- the number of students enrolled at Glen Waverley South Primary School at risk of anaphylaxis
- the accessibility of adrenaline autoinjectors supplied by parents
- the availability of a sufficient supply of autoinjectors for general use in different locations at the school, as well as at camps, excursions and events
- the limited life span of adrenaline autoinjectors, and the need for general use adrenaline autoinjectors to be replaced when used or prior to expiry.
Emergency Response
In the event of an anaphylactic reaction, the emergency response procedures in this policy must be followed, together with the school’s general first aid procedures, emergency response procedures and the student’s Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan.
A complete and up-to-date list of students identified as being at risk of anaphylaxis is maintained by Lucy Trimmis, Administration officer, and stored at the sickbay, staff room and in yard duty bags. For camps, excursions and special events, a designated staff member will be responsible for maintaining a list of students at risk of anaphylaxis attending the special event, together with their Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plans and adrenaline autoinjectors, where appropriate.
If a student experiences an anaphylactic reaction at school or during a school activity, school staff must:
Step |
Action |
Administer an EpiPen or EpiPen Jr (if the student is under 20kg)
Call an ambulance (000) |
Contact the student’s emergency contacts. |
If there is no improvement or severe symptoms progress (as described in the ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis), further adrenaline doses may be administered every five minutes, if other adrenaline autoinjectors are available. |
Transfer person to hospital. |
If a student appears to be having a severe allergic reaction, but has not been previously diagnosed with an allergy or being at risk of anaphylaxis, school staff should follow steps 2 – 5 as above.
[Note: If in doubt, it is better to use an adrenaline autoinjector than not use it, even if in hindsight the reaction is not anaphylaxis. Under-treatment of anaphylaxis is more harmful and potentially life threatening than over-treatment of a mild to moderate allergic reaction. Refer to page 41 of the Anaphylaxis Guidelines].
Classroom incident
If anaphylactic reaction occurs in the classroom School staff may use classroom phones/personal mobile phones to contact Administration to advise a reaction has occurred and to get an Adrenaline Autoinjector to a student.
Administration staff to call an ambulance.
Administration staff to wait for ambulance at school entrance.
Playground incident
If anaphylactic reaction occurs in the yard School staff may use mobile phones or walkie talkies whilst on yard duty to contact Administration to advise a reaction has occurred and to get an Adrenaline Autoinjector to a student.
Administration staff to call an ambulance.
Administration staff to wait for ambulance at school entrance.
Excursions and Camps
Each individual camp and excursion requires risk assessment for each individual student attending who is at risk of anaphylaxis. A team of School Staff trained in anaphylaxis need to attend each event, and appropriate methods of communication need to be discussed, depending on the size of excursion/camp/venue. It is imperative that the process also addresses:
- the location of Adrenaline Autoinjectors
- ‘how’ to get the Adrenaline Autoinjector to a student; and
- ‘who’ will call for ambulance response, including giving detailed location address.
The Communication Plan
This policy will be available on Glen Waverley South Primary School’s website so that parents and other members of the school community can easily access information about Glen Waverley South Primary School’s anaphylaxis management procedures. The parents and carers of students who are enrolled at Glen Waverley South Primary School and are identified as being at risk of anaphylaxis will also be provided with a copy of this policy.
The principal is responsible for ensuring that all relevant staff, including casual relief staff and volunteers are aware of this policy and Glen Waverley South Primary School’s procedures for anaphylaxis management. Casual relief staff and volunteers who are responsible for the care and/or supervision of students who are identified as being at risk of anaphylaxis will also receive a verbal briefing on this policy, their role in responding to an anaphylactic reaction and where required, the identity of students at risk. CRT induction packs will include Student Anaphylaxis Action Plans.
The communication plan for staff includes:
- All school staff will be provided with a copy of the Anaphylaxis Management Policy.
- All school staff will participate in Training as articulated below.
- All school staff will be advised of Prevention Strategies via the distribution of the Anaphylaxis Management Policy.
- All school staff will be informed of students at risk of anaphylaxis, and provided with relevant student photos and medical condition summaries. This will be provided by the Admin. First Aid Officer.
- All school staff will be informed of the steps to be taken to respond to an anaphylactic reaction by a student via the distribution of the Anaphylaxis Management Policy which includes Emergency Response Procedures and through Staff Training as articulated below.
- Volunteers and casual relief staff of students at risk of anaphylaxis will be informed of students at risk of anaphylaxis and their role in responding to an anaphylactic reaction by a student in their care by the Principal or Assistant Principal/and or through the CRT induction folders.
The communication plan for students includes:
- Regular discussions with students about the importance of washing hands, eating their own food and not sharing food.
- Raising awareness in School through fact sheets or posters displayed in hallways and classrooms.
The communication plan for parents includes:
- Providing information about anaphylaxis via the school newsletter and website.
- Providing information about foods that may cause allergic reactions in students at risk of anaphylaxis via the newsletter, website and notices.
Staff Training
The principal is also responsible for ensuring relevant staff are trained and briefed in anaphylaxis management, consistent with the Department’s Anaphylaxis Guidelines.
The principal will ensure that the following school staff are appropriately trained in anaphylaxis management:
- School staff who conduct classes attended by students who are at risk of anaphylaxis
- All school staff, including those who conduct specialist classes, admin. staff and first aiders.
Staff who are required to undertake training must have completed:
- an approved face-to-face anaphylaxis management training course in the last three years, or
- an approved online anaphylaxis management training course in the last two years.
Glen Waverley South Primary School uses the ASCIA eTraining course, (with Supervisors completing 10710NAT).
Staff are also required to attend a briefing on anaphylaxis management and this policy at least twice per year (with the first briefing to be held at the beginning of the school year), facilitated by a staff member who has successfully completed an anaphylaxis management course within the last 2 years or a School Anaphylaxis Supervisor.
Each briefing will address:
- this policy
- the causes, symptoms and treatment of anaphylaxis
- the identities of students with a medical condition that relates to allergies and the potential for anaphylactic reaction, and where their medication is located
- how to use an adrenaline autoinjector, including hands on practice with a trainer adrenaline autoinjector
- the school’s general first aid and emergency response procedures
- the location of, and access to, adrenaline autoinjectors that have been provided by parents or purchased by the school for general use.
When a new student enrols at Glen Waverley South Primary School who is at risk of anaphylaxis, the principal will develop an interim plan in consultation with the student’s parents and ensure that appropriate staff are trained and briefed as soon as possible.
The principal will ensure that while students at risk of anaphylaxis are under the care or supervision of the school outside of normal class activities, including in the school yard, at camps and excursions, or at special event days, there is a sufficient number of school staff present who have been trained in anaphylaxis management.
Related policies AND RESOURCES
- School Policy and Advisory Guide:
- Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia: Risk minimisation strategies
- ASCIA Guidelines: Schooling and childcare
- Royal Children’s Hospital: Allergy and immunology
- Care Arrangements for Ill students Policy
- Medication Policy
- Duty of Care Policy
- First Aid Policy
- Asthma Policy
Policy last reviewed |
February 2024 |
Approved by |
Principal |
Next scheduled review date |
February 2025 |
The Principal will complete the Department’s Annual Risk Management Checklist for anaphylaxis management to assist with the evaluation and review of this policy and the support provided to students at risk of anaphylaxis.