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Wellbeing Framework

Wellbeing Framework

Our Wellbeing Framework provides a set of guiding principles that enable our school to create a positive and engaging learning environment, in which we nurture the wellbeing of every student. Student wellbeing is a central factor in our culture and curriculum through which we aim to develop respectful, confident and resilient learners. 

The six key elements of our school’s Wellbeing Framework are embedded in everyday practice, not in ‘one-off’ wellbeing lessons: 

•    Be curious - Cognitive engagement
•    Connect - Social engagement 
•    Set goals and take action - Voice, agency & leadership 
•    Be kind to yourself and others - Social and emotional learning
•    Be active - Physical health
•    Be strong – Support


High Impact Wellbeing Strategies (HIWS) are utilised in daily teaching practice to build students’ wellbeing, promote positive peer relationships, provide opportunities for student voice, agency and leadership, and foster student engagement in learning.

Our teaching and learning programs integrate the Personal and Social Capabilities Curriculum with key learning areas (e.g. Literacy and Mathematics) so that students develop knowledge and skills in self- and social- awareness and management every day. Teaching and learning in Health & Physical Education and other Capabilities - Intercultural, Critical and Creative Thinking and Ethical - complement development of student wellbeing.

Links To Other Frameworks

Our school’s Wellbeing Framework is aligned with the vision of the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework, which promotes student wellbeing, safety and positive relationships so that every child can reach their full potential. 

Key Highlights Of Our Wellbeing Program

Key Highlights Of Our Wellbeing Program

PLAY Leaders Program

PLAY (Positivity, Leadership and Activated Youth) boosts the resilience and wellbeing of our students. Level 5 PLAY Leaders develop leadership skills, take responsibility and support other students. Students in F-2 participate in student-led fun and active games every Friday lunchtime.

VOICE Sessions

In ‘VOICE’ sessions, Levels 3-6 students chair class meetings where they identify personal and social issues that affect their school lives, and examine ways they can be addressed. The student-led agenda provides an opportunity for students to contribute ideas for their classroom and learning environment and talk to their peers. Teachers listen and respond to student voice by planning learning experiences for future ‘VOICE’ sessions and following up on student ideas and initiatives.

Lunchtime Clubs

STEM, Japanese and Library lunchtime clubs provide fun activities for students to enjoy, creating a sense of belonging at school. 

Student Leadership

Leadership roles include Junior School Council, class monitor roles, PLAY Leaders (5), Level 6 Leaders and the Green Team (Levels 2-6). These teams help make decisions to shape the school’s learning environment.

Buddy Program

Younger students meet with their older buddy throughout the term and develop fun, supportive peer relationships in the school. 

Cyber Safety

The Cyber Safety Project’s resources ensure students know how to participate safely in a digital world.

Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships

The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) teaching and learning resource supports teachers to provide social and emotional learning and respectful relationships education.

Student Awards

•    Student of the Week, Principal’s Awards and School Captains Awards promote and celebrate exceptional efforts.
•    Creative Arts and STEM Awards, 'Japanese Word of the Week' and 'Sports Star of the Week' encourage student participation and effort. 
•    Mathletics Awards reward student achievements.

School Events

Events and activities bring the school community together, building vital social and emotional skills that support wellbeing:

Events and activities bring the school community together, building vital social and emotional 
skills that support wellbeing:
•    Incursions and excursions 
•    School camps and sleepovers 
•    Sports ‘House’ system: Goolagong, Landy, Bradman, Cuthbert
•    School choir for students in Level 3-6
•    Harmony Day
•    School rock band
•    National Simultaneous Storytime
•    Biennial school musical production
•    Education Week celebrations
•    Mother’s/Father’s/Special Person’s Days/Cultural celebrations
•    Japanese Day 
•    Twilight Sports 
•    100 Days of School celebrations
•    Book Week celebrations 
•    Various special days e.g. Icy pole Day, Pancake Day, Pyjama Day, Crazy Hair Day, School Disco, Trivia Afternoon