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All students at GWSPS take part in weekly library lessons. These lessons focus on the Ethical and Intercultural Capabilities of the Victorian Curriculum, while also introducing students to the joy of reading. Students read a range of texts including those shortlisted each year for the Children’s Book Week Awards and enjoy sharing their questions and ideas.
Our new purpose built library contains a growing and constantly updated collection of books including picture stories, novels, graphic novels and nonfiction. Students are actively encouraged to request new books and series to be considered for our collection.
The library is open at lunch times for students to visit, read, play quiet games, and enjoy craft activities. These activities are facilitated by our Year 6 Library Captains who also present a range of library awards at whole school assemblies throughout the year.
At varying times of the year, the library is also open before and after school for parents and their children to enjoy the library together. These dates and times are posted in the school newsletter and on our Facebook page.
Along with events such as Library Lovers’ Week and National Simultaneous Storytime, the highlight of the library calendar is our annual Book Week Character Parade. The Library Captains put a great deal of time and effort into organising and running this wonderful community event.