(03) 9560 6371

2025 enrolments are now open. Enquiries welcome 9560 6371. Book a tour or Enrol now.

Our Spaces

Our new main building includes a learning centre comprising eight new learning spaces (classrooms), as well as an admin/specialist building, which includes offices, staff room, conference rooms, library, STEM lab, Food Tech room and Performing Arts room.

Our second building ("Block B") is comprised of six classrooms and a learning studio (open learning space) which can accommodate up to three classes. 

Our classrooms are all heated and air-conditioned.

Every classroom in the school is connected to the local area computer network and has wireless access to the internet.

2025 Grade Structure

In 2025 GWSPS is using the following class structure based on the format of the Victorian Curriculum.


  • 2 x Foundation classes

Level 1 and 2 

  • 1 x Year 1 class
  • 2  x Year 2 classes

Level 3 and 4 

  • 2 x Year 3 classes 
  • 2 x Year 4 classes

Level 5 and 6

  • 2 x Year 5 classes
  • 2 x Year 6 classes

It is important to recognise that each teacher differentiates the curriculum to meet the learning needs of students with a wide range of abilities. This is applicable in both straight and multi-age level grades. All teachers use a range of ongoing assessments to plan and provide each child with appropriate learning opportunities across the curriculum. All children are provided with a supportive, engaging and challenging learning environment. All teachers work in teams to ensure the best learning outcomes for each child.