2025 enrolments are now open. Enquiries welcome 9560 6371. Book a tour or Enrol now.


Our inquiry learning program is an approach that requires students to actively investigate questions, issues and ideas about the world through Science, Health and the Humanities, which includes: History, Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business and Geography, over a two year cycle. Inquiry also incorporates Intercultural and Ethical capabilities. Every term, year levels focus on a ‘big question’ that addresses one of these learning areas.
Inquiry encourages students to develop understandings through rich learning experiences. Students are given opportunities to develop the skills needed for critical and creative thinking, including: asking questions and determining possibilities, reasoning and reflecting.
Inquiry is an approach to learning that is incorporated across all areas of the curriculum.
At Glen Waverley South Primary School the inquiry approach involves:
- formative assessment to determine students prior knowledge and interest in the learning area
- planned experiences derived from students questions and interests, which provide opportunities for students to pose questions and gather information
- activities where students use skills to assist them to form concepts and generalisations about their world, and to think critically about their learning
- demonstration of what students have learnt independently and collaboratively
- summative assessment to evaluate student learning, and apply their ideas and understandings to real life situations.