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Fundraising Policy

Help for non-English speakers

If you need help to understand this policy, please contact the office on 9560 6371 or glen.waverley.south.ps@education.vic.gov.au


To provide parents/carers and other members of our school community with an overview of Glen Waverley South Primary School’s approach to fundraising.


Fundraising is an important way for Glen Waverley South Primary School to raise money so that it can: deliver additional learning opportunities, programs for students, improve school amenities etc.

School staff, members of the school community or the Parents Representatives/Fundraising Committee may want to undertake fundraising activities for Glen Waverley South Primary School.

Glen Waverley South Primary School encourages all members of our school community to be involved in fundraising initiatives and School Council welcomes all proposals for fundraising.

Fundraising is a function of the School Council and Council must approve all school-related fundraising events or activities on behalf of our school.

At the beginning of each school year, the School Council will approve any school-related fundraising events or activities for the upcoming year. If it is necessary during the year, the School Council may approve additional fundraising events or activities.

In deciding whether or not to approve particular fundraising events or activities, the School Council will act in accordance with legal requirements, any relevant Department of Education and Training policy or guideline, and the Department’s Finance Manual for Victorian Government Schools.

All money raised for the school through fundraising, unless legally otherwise provided for, will be held on trust by the School Council for the general or particular purpose for which it was raised. 

Fundraising for Charitable Causes

Glen Waverley South Primary School may also decide to fundraise for charitable causes external to the school. In these cases, the Principal is responsible for approving the fundraising activity.

In deciding whether or not to fundraise for a particular charitable cause, the Principal may:

  • Consider whether the methods used to raise funds for any specific charitable appeal are appropriate
  • Seek written advice from organisations promoting fundraising activities on the percentage of funds raised that are directed to the named charity


This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following ways:

  • Available publicly on our school’s website
  • Included in staff induction processes and staff training
  • Included in staff handbook/manual
  • Included in transition and enrolment packs
  • Discussed at parent information nights/sessions
  • Reminders in our school newsletter
  • Hard copy available from school administration upon request

Further information and resources


Policy last reviewed 

August 2023

Approved by 

School Council

Next scheduled review date 

August 2026