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Headlice Policy


Most schools will have students with head lice at any given time.  Whilst parents have primary responsibility for the detection and treatment of head lice, the school also has a role in the management of head lice infections and in providing support to parents/guardians and students.


To educate and advise parents/guardians regarding the control, detection and treatment of head lice.


The school will follow a comprehensive management plan that incorporates the following:

  • The school will distribute up-to-date information on the detection, treatment and control of head lice to staff and parents at the beginning of each year and more frequently if required.
  • A member of staff will be nominated as a head lice resource/support person who parents/guardians can contact at the school.
  • Head lice inspections are made by people authorised by the principal and school council.
  • It is a requirement that parents refrain from sending their children to school with untreated head lice.
  • Students may be treated one evening and return to school the next day. The presence of eggs in the hair is not cause for exclusion. If a child re-attends school with live lice the school may again exclude the child until the live insects have been removed.
  • Parents/guardians need to be aware that one treatment is not sufficient to manage the problem.
  • The school will provide parents with comprehensive advice about the use of safe treatment practices which do not place the children’s health at risk.
  • Classroom teachers will provide classroom activities to give students an understanding of the habits and life-cycle of head lice in order to minimise the incidence of stigmatisation of particular students and families.
  • The school will obtain written parents’ permission for all physical inspections by designated school staff.
  • A pro-forma letter of notification will be sent to parents of those students found to have head lice.
  • The school is committed to reducing stigma and maintaining confidentiality following head lice inspections. 

To control the incidence of head lice, parents are advised to follow these procedures:

  • Regularly inspect (preferably once a week) child/ren’s hair for lice or lice eggs (using conditioner and a head lice comb is the most effective method).
  • Regular inspection of all household members followed by treatment if head lice are detected.
  • Upon detection of head lice, notify the school and advise when treatment has commenced.


This policy will be reviewed as part of the school’s three-year review cycle, and at times when our emergency management procedures are under review.


Policy last reviewed 

July 2021

Approved by 


Next scheduled review date 

July 2024