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Mathematics Policy


Learning mathematics creates opportunities to enrich lives and society. It develops the capacity, confidence and disposition to use mathematics to meet the demands of learning, school, home, work, community and civic life.  It ensures there is a future workforce to contribute productively and competitively in our ever-changing global world.


  • demonstrate essential mathematical and numeracy skills necessary for successful personal, home, work and community life
  • promote further study in Mathematics as a discipline or any other connecting disciplines such as Science, Geography and Economics for future employment and personal interest
  • be active, thinking citizens, interpreting the world mathematically, and critically examining financial, social and political issues
  • appreciate the elegance and power of mathematical thinking, and experience mathematics as an enjoyable and valuable pursuit.


  • The school Mathematics curriculum is based on the Australian Curriculum F-10 for Mathematics. It is organised around the content strands: Number and Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, and Statistics and Probability, and the four proficiency strands: Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning.
  • The teachers will devise the yearly planners using the Australian Curriculum F-10 prescribed content and achievement standards, activities, resources and progression points.
  • The teaching and learning programs will build on students’ interests, strengths, goals and learning needs, to ensure engagement and successful mathematics learning.
  • Student achievement will be measured at the commencement of each topic of work, and learning opportunities will be planned and provided to cater for the identified learning needs of each student.
  • Student progress in Mathematics will be recorded progressively for each topic. Final judgements against the Australian Curriculum  progression points will be moderated by teachers and reported in half and end of year parent reports, and the school’s annual report.
  • Student instruction will be at least 5 hours for the Level F-2 classes and 4 hours for the Level 3-6 classes.
  • A Mathematics program budget will be resourced by School Council and maintained by the Strategic Plan Mathematics team. This will be used for teacher reference materials, ICT programs and manipulative materials.
  • A Strategic Plan Mathematics team will be allocated the responsibility of coordinating the school’s Mathematics program. The team will oversee the delivery of the mathematics curriculum, provide ongoing teacher professional learning, allocate resources, maintain participation in mathematics competitions and exhibitions, and promote the value of mathematics in the school.


This policy will be reviewed as part of the school’s three-year review cycle, and at times when our emergency management procedures are under review.

This policy was last ratified by School Council on:  24/02/14.